Saturday, January 14, 2012

History In My Time Blog Hop

Hi!!  Glad you could stop by and join us as we take a stroll through the last 50 years or so of History!
It should prove very exciting and interesting so grab a cup of your favorite beverage and lets get strolling.
If you came here from Christel's Blog then your are on the right track. If however you just happened upon my blog and would like to start at the beginning please go to Jamie's Blog to start at the top!
 Each of us has chosen a historical or significant event from our life and created a project around that event.

I chose the "First Man To Walk on the Moon" as my historical event and created a Digital Layout of it.
 I hope you like my presentation.

To create this Layout I used "Creative Memories Storybook Creator 4.0" all the papers and mats are from digital files from CM. I got the photos and the information from I really enjoyed putting this presentation together I can still remember where I was when the news came and how I felt. It still gives me goosebumps when I think about what was accomplished then and since.

 What is a Hop without a little Blog Candy well our Hostess Jamie is offering  a grand prize of 4 digi stamps from the to people that post on each blog.
Your next stop is  Lisa's Blog so head on over there and see what she has to show you!

Here is a complete list of all the participants just in case you get lost along the way!

Jamie -

Vicki W -
Christel -
Janet -
Lisa -
Jennifer -
Anita -

Thanks for stopping by and I really would love to hear what think about my project!
Happy Hopping!!
Big Blog Hugs! Janet


Anita said...

Oh my,this is BEAUTIFUL!!!!!!Your layout is great.Glad to be in this hop with you.
Hugs, Anita

Vicki said...

This is a super layout!! I appreciate layouts like this as much as I do family layouts. I think it is a great idea to put albums like this together for our future generations. History is more fun this way..

Cherie said...

Fabulous layout. I was not alive when this event happened, but it is on my birthday! (July 20), Just not the same year! Thanks for sharing!

cherie.goyer at

Cathie w said...

what a cool idea.....thanks for sharing


Vicki said...

Wonderful layout. I remember this too. Thanks for sharing.

vwilson577 at

Tina Campbell said...
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Tina Campbell said...

Fantastic layout! This seems like a fun blog and interesting theme, tfs


chillin with Quillin said...

Awesome layout, and the pictures are great!!!!

Scrapping Galaxy said...

Great layout

Crafty Card Gallery said...

Hi, Just got around to hopping! Great layout! Good idea to get photos off the internet...
craftycardgallery at gmail dot com

lorby said...

I was alive when this happened but only 1 1/2 years old so naturally I don't remember it. You did a wonderful job on this. Just a clean, nice layout that really tells about that date in history.

Ellen Jarvis said...

That's a fun stroll down memory lane. I remember saving the "MAN WALKS ON MOON" newspapers and Life magazine ... watching Walter Cronkite on TV and the blurry staticky pictures... feeling pride.

Nice layout!!

Ellen ♥ CardMonkey