Welcome to the annual Halloween Spooktacular Banner Hop for Special Needs Children!
I am delighted to join with more than 3 dozen other women who have each made at least one Halloween-themed banner that will be donated to hang in the room of a medically-fragile child at Pediatric Specialty Care in Pennsylvania.
Our Hop Hostess (Ellen CardMonkey Jarvis) works at PSC’s Bucks County site as Admissions Coordinator. The Banner Hop starts there, so please be sure to circle back to the beginning to see all of the terrific banners have been made for these very special children.
Ellen shared this information with us about Pediatric Specialty Care: “PSC is a very special place where children stay either long- or short-term, typically after hospitalization. Most are dependent on ventilators and other technology to survive. Some have been born too early or with genetic diseases or birth injuries. Other children suffer injuries later in life that require constant care later, including brain injuries from trauma or loss of oxygen (from choking, suffocation or drowning) and spinal cord injuries.
These children and their families -- and PSC’s staff -- will be thrilled to receive the Halloween banners, to help brighten the season when their friends and siblings will be out trick-or-treating.”
Here is the banner I am sending to a child at PSC:
I designed the banner with my gypsy using "Elegant Edges" cartridge for the center black mat," Martha Stewart Seasonal Cake Art" cartridge for the Pumpkin shape, "Pumpkin Carvings" for the image layers and "Happy Hauntings" for the Bats on each end of the banner. I used "Swiss Dots" to emboss the center Phrase layer and the top bat layer and Tim Holtz Textured Fades "Springtime Background & Border Set" to emboss the orange pumpkins. Inked the orange and yellow pieces with some brown MS ink. The ribbon measures 4 feet and is from Studio G WM collection.
Hope you like my little contribution to Ellen's Cause!!
Hope you like my little contribution to Ellen's Cause!!
This Hop is two days (Saturday, September 1 and Sunday, September 2), and on each day you will see different banners. Be sure to visit on both days to see the truly inspirational work of these generous bloggers, and leave some love (comments) on as many sites as you can – because if you do, you can up your chances to win some Spooktacular blog candy, including from these sponsors:
Lisa Peters - $15 shopping spree to her adorable paper piecing store at Scrapping With Lisa Designs at www.scrappingwithlisadesigns.com
Lucy Kelleher - Independent Consultant for Close to My Heart is donating a $10 Gift Certificate which you can use towards any Close to My Heart products! ( http://lucyk.ctmh.com/). To enter to win, you will need to leave a comment on her blog (http://love2createitall.com/) and become a follower of her blog. For an additional entry, "Like" her Facebook page at: https://www.facebook.com/LucyK.CTMH.
Close To My Heart lucyk.ctmh.com
Stampin’ Up: (info to come)
To qualify, all you have to do is leave at least one comment on our Hostess’s site (www.cardmonkeyspaperjungle) to name which banner spoke to you – ghostly or not! What made it appealing to you? Leave additional comments on as many banner makers’ sites as you’d like for extra chances to win! Prize winners will be announced on Monday, September 3 on the CardMonkey site, where there will be a round-up of all of the Spooktacular banners for 2012.
Please move on your way to the next stop, which is: http://love2createitall.blogspot.com/ Thank you again for visiting!
For Saturday, September 1:
- Ellen ♥ CardMonkey - http://cardmonkey-business.blogspot.com/
- Sandie Dunne - http://sandieshores.blogspot.ie/search/label/banner%20hop
- Ashley - http://theglamoroussideofscrapping.blogspot.com/
- Pam - http://pammejo-scrapbookflair.blogspot.com/
- Janet S - http://www.ladyluvbug.blogspot.com/
- Lucy - http://love2createitall.blogspot.com/
- Jessica - http://chick-n-scrap.blogspot.com/
- Nancie - http://alittlepieceofmebynancie.blogspot.com/
- Patricia - http://blogs.papertemptress.com/
- Edwina - http://edwinascreations.blogspot.com/
- Shawnee - http://quiverofangels.blogspot.com/
- Beth - http://motherandaughterdesigns.blogspot.com/
- Theresa ~ http://www.thescrapbookingqueen.com
- Lezlye- www.lezlyes.blogspot.com
- Robin L. ~ http://create-a-latte.blogspot.com
- Christine ~ http://thecuriouscrafter.blogspot.com/
- Scrappin Madge: http://www.thescrappinlounge.com
For Sunday, September 2:
- Ellen ♥ CardMonkey - http://cardmonkey-business.blogspot.com/
- Sandie Dunne - http://sandieshores.blogspot.ie/search/label/banner%20hop
- Ashley - http://theglamoroussideofscrapping.blogspot.com/
- Lucy ~ http://love2createitall.blogspot.com/
- Dena ~ http://missdjones.blogspot.com/
- Yvette ~ http://gammascreativecorner.blogspot.com/
- Jamie ~ http://craftygirl21.blogspot.com/
- Nancie ~ http://alittlepieceofmebynancie.blogspot.com/
- Beth ~ http://motherandaughterdesigns.blogspot.com/
- Erica ~ http://mycricutcraftroom.blogspot.com/
- Jearise ~ http://lorbyworld.blogspot.com
- Jenny - http://crazyaboutcricut.blogspot.com/
- Lisa T.- http://bitbythecricutbug.blogspot.com
- Robin ~ http://scrapandchat.blogspot.com/
- Jessica S ~ http://jessicascraftshaque.blogspot.com
- Lori A ~ http://scrappinmystressaway.blogspot.com/
- Jenny D. ~ http://www.yogimemories.blogspot.com/
- Linda Simpson - http://lindasimpsoncraftypieceofheaven.blogspot.com
- Beckie ~ http://justbcreativecrazy.blogspot.com
- Scrappin Madge: http://www.thescrappinlounge.com
- Jennifer R ~ http://craftycardgallery.blogspot.com
- Debbie T ~ http://debbiescrafttime.blogspot.co.uk/
- Tami McD ~ http://tamboscreations.blgspot.com
- Susan ~ http://susanascorner.blogspot.com/
Thanks again for stopping by and Happy Hauntings along the way!
Big Blog Hugs, Janet
Big Blog Hugs, Janet